This week’s 5 Fandom Friday topic is about TV…more specifically: ”Favorite Late To The Game TV Discoveries”. And oh boy, I have loads.
5 Fandom Friday is a weekly link-up about fandom-y goodness, which was started by the lovely ladies of The Nerdy Girlie and Super Space Chick.
I absolutely adore this show! Everyone seems to have great chemistry, the dialogue is funny, and of course I love the whole story idea (what with me writing my MA thesis about Celtic myths and all…)! Morgana is an admiringly twisted persona and Anthony Stewart Head is brilliant as king Uther.
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
I wasn’t sure if I was going to like this show. Marvel is sometimes a bit of a hit and miss for me personally. But I really like the dynamics between the characters in the team as well as the ”mutant” plot lines (I’m a sucker for superpowers).
I don’t know why it took so long for me to start watching Reign. The characters are amazing, I love the plotting and scheming, and the costuming is to die for. It’s also very emotional, I’ve gotten very invested in all the characters (read: I cry over everything).
Lost Girl
Another fantasy show :) This Canadian series is filled with interesting folklore and kick-ass female characters. What more could a gal want? I also like that the main character is a succubus but no one treats her like a crazy woman because of her enhanced sexuality. Instead, it is embraced. Hurrah for female empowerment.
I was a bit hesitant to start watching this show – I’ve seen all Sex and the City episodes a million times and I wasn’t sure how I felt about the comparisons between the two shows (as in, Girls is Sex and the City for millenials). However, once I did watch a few episodes I really liked the odd characters, especially Adam and Shoshana.